Reference | H04-0180-17 |
Status | Approved |
Proposal | Erection of 3 x 2 bed and 4 x 3 bed dwellings - re-submission of H04-1092-16 |
Location | Land off Park Lane Donington Spalding Lincs PE11 4UE |
Parish | Donington |
Case Officer | Joan Isus |
Received | 22-02-17 |
Validated | 23-02-17 |
Decision By | 20-05-17 |
Decided | 02-05-17 |
Applicant | Calderdale Homes (Eastern) Ltd c/o Robert Doughty Consultancy Ltd 32 High Street Helpringham Sleaford Lincs NG34 0RA |
Agent | Robert Doughty Consultancy Ltd 32 High Street Helpringham Sleaford Lincs NG34 0RA |