Reference | H10-0290-12 |
Status | Approved |
Proposal | Erection of 500kWe wind turbine with access tracks, electricity switchroom and underground connection cables |
Location | Land adjacent A17 Long Sutton Spalding Lincs PE12 9EG |
Parish | Little Sutton |
Case Officer | Mark Simmonds |
Received | 10-04-12 |
Validated | 11-04-12 |
Decision By | 06-04-15 |
Decided | 26-03-15 |
Applicant | The Little Sutton Energy Co Ltd c/o Susenco Management Ltd 2nd Floor, Prama House 267 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7HT |
Agent | Susenco Management Ltd 2nd Floor Prama House 267 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7HT |