Reference | H07-0967-21 |
Status | Approved |
Proposal | Proposed 4 bed house with attached double garage - Re-submission of H07-0496-21 |
Location | Adj. 54 Highstock Lane Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0QQ |
Parish | Gedney Hill |
Case Officer | Sundas Shaban |
Received | 15-09-21 |
Validated | 15-09-21 |
Decision By | 10-11-21 |
Decided | 05-11-21 |
Applicant | Mr & Mrs Vick c/o Alexandra Design Southfork Farm Seadyke Bank Murrow PE13 4SD |
Agent | Alexandra Design Southfork Farm Seadyke Bank Murrow PE13 4SD |