Reference | H16-0723-24 |
Status | Approved |
Proposal | Erection of 2 single storey restaurant/cafe units with associated drive thru's (sui generis) and 1 single storey restaurant/cafe unit (Use Class E), 42 car parking spaces, access & landscaping - Approved under H16-0395-23. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans and Modification of Conditions 3, 5, 8 & 9 to allow amendments to the wording relating to landscaping & tree planting, site & floor levels, external lighting & CCTV system |
Location | Plot 3 Lincolnshire Gateway Business Park Spalding |
Parish | Spalding |
Case Officer | Mark Niland |
Received | 21-08-24 |
Validated | 28-08-24 |
Decision By | 23-10-24 |
Decided | 22-10-24 |
Applicant | Dukesmead Industries Limited c/o Freeths LLP Cumberland Court 80 Mount Street Nottingham NG1 6HH |
Agent | Freeths LLP Cumberland Court 80 Mount Street Nottingham NG1 6HH |