Reference | H18-0803-24 |
Status | REFUSAL |
Proposal | Demolition of Existing Buildings & Erection of Two Single Dwellings & Four Apartments |
Location | 186 Bridge Road Sutton Bridge Spalding PE12 9SF |
Parish | Sutton Bridge |
Case Officer | Jess Hill |
Received | 23-09-24 |
Validated | 30-10-24 |
Decision By | 25-12-24 |
Decided | 03-12-24 |
Applicant | Mr L Petts 186 Bridge Road Sutton Bridge Spalding Lincolnshire PE12 9SF |
Agent | Hayward McMullan Architects Ltd. 67 Burton Road Melton Mowbray Leics LE13 1DL |